I don’t know how common this situation is but here’s what worked for me. The question is: Is this sane, or is there a better way?
dependencies {
// remove trailing ':Lib'
ppath = project.path
ppath = ppath.substring(0, ppath.length() - 4)
compile project(ppath + ":jsoup:Lib")
Main project OpenKeychain (https://github.com/open-keychain/open-keychain)
|-Git submodule KeybaseLib (https://github.com/timbray/KeybaseLib)
|- Git submodule jsoup (https://github.com/timbray/jsoup)
Directory structure is set up for Android Studio & Gradle, for all three projects. This means that there’s an idiosyncratically-named directory under the project root (I like to use “Lib” for library type projects), and source starts at root/Lib/src/main/...
|- settings.gradle [1]
|- OpenKeychain
|- build.gradle [2]
|- extern
|- KeybaseLib
|- settings.gradle [3]
|- Lib
|- build.gradle [4]
|- jsoup
OK, the problem is, what goes in [1], [2], [3], and [4] so that I can gradle-build KeybaseLib & also jsoup both from the open-keychain root and the KeybaseLib root?
include ':extern:KeybaseLib:Lib'
include ':extern:KeybaseLib:jsoup:Lib'
dependencies {
compile project(':extern:KeybaseLib:Lib')
include 'Lib'
include ':jsoup:Lib'
dependencies {
// remove trailing ':Lib'
ppath = project.path
ppath = ppath.substring(0, ppath.length() - 4)
compile project(ppath + ":jsoup:Lib")
Instead of doing trickery to try to modify the Gradle-esque project paths, I think it would be simpler to give your modules consistent single-element names and remap the directories in settings.gradle.
Be aware that Gradle only supports a single settings.gradle file (though looking at your question I think you're not assuming it will use both of them, but you're expecting it to use one at a time). I also vaguely recall an Android Studio bug where it did Something Wrong if there's more than one settings.gradle file in a project. I don't recall the nature of the bug and my searches in the bug database don't find it, but if you see bad behavior, please add a comment to this answer.
Having said that, here's how it works. Caveat: I haven't actually tested this code, but it should get you started; if you have problems, let me know and I can revise my answer.
open-keychain's settings.gradle:
include ':KeybaseLib'
include ':jsoupLib'
project(':KeybaseLib').projectDir = new File(settingsDir, 'extern/KeybaseLib/Lib')
project(':jsoupLib').projectDir = new File(settingsDir, 'extern/KeybaseLib/jsoup/Lib')
KeybaseLib's settings.gradle:
include ':KeybaseLib'
include ':jsoupLib'
project(':KeybaseLib').projectDir = new File(settingsDir, 'Lib')
project(':jsoupLib').projectDir = new File(settingsDir, 'jsoup/Lib')
There's a relevant question on remapping modules here: