How can i do to find the content of this div with preg_match()
The link to my page can be found here.
I want get the product value of this page. I did something like this but i can't get nothing:
if (!preg_match("<div id=\"productPrice\">(.*)<\/div>/si", $data, $dealer_price))
I am also trying the following:
if (!preg_match("<div class=\"price\">(.*)<\/div>/si", $data, $dealer_price))
Thank you in advance for your help.
There are a few reasons your regular expression is not working as you expect.
is a greedy operator, you should use *?
to return a non-greedy match. To fix your regular expression:
preg_match('~<div id="productPrice"[^>]*>(.*?)</div>~si', $data, $dealer_price);
echo trim($dealer_price[1]); //=> "$249.95"
to grab the product value from your data, not regular expression.
$doc = new DOMDocument;
$xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
$node = $xpath->query("//div[@id='productPrice']")->item(0);
echo trim($node->nodeValue); //=> "$249.95"