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s3 direct upload restricting file size and type

A newbie question but I have googled abit and can't seem to find any solution.

I want to allow users to directly upload files to S3, not via my server first. By doing so, is there any way the files can be checked for size limit and permitted types before actually uploading to S3? Preferably not to use flash but javascript.


  • If you are talking about security problem (people uploading huge file to your bucket), yes, You CAN restrict file size with browser-based upload to S3.

    Here is an example of the "policy" variable, where "content-length-range" is the key point.

    "expiration": "'.date('Y-m-d\TG:i:s\Z', time()+10).'",
    "conditions": [
        {"bucket": "xxx"},
        {"acl": "public-read"},
        {"success_action_redirect": "xxx"},
        ["starts-with", "$Content-Type", "image/jpeg"],
        ["content-length-range", 0, 10485760]

    In this case, if the uploading file size > 10mb, the upload request will be rejected by Amazon.

    Of course, before starting the upload process, you should use javascript to check the file size and make some alerts if it does.

    getting file size in javascript