I create Conversations for VersionOne Assets programatically using the Java API. When checking the conversations on the Web UI, I see that the assets mentioned are alphabetically arranged.
I would like to know if there is a way to override the default arrangement of the mentions. The target arrangement would be from Parent Asset -> Children.
Something like this:
Some things I tried:
Adding the Parent Asset 1st followed by the children:
// create a new conversation; this will act as the container of the expression (message)
IAssetType conversationType = super.connection.metaModel.getAssetType(CONVERSATION);
Asset conversationAsset = super.connection.services.createNew(conversationType, Oid.Null);
// create a new expression containing the error message
IAssetType expressionType = super.connection.metaModel.getAssetType(EXPRESSION);
IAttributeDefinition expressionContentAttr = super.connection.metaModel.getAttributeDefinition(EXPRESSION_CONTENT);
IAttributeDefinition expressionBelongsTo = super.connection.metaModel.getAttributeDefinition(EXPRESSION_BELONGS_TO);
IAttributeDefinition expressionMentionsAttr = super.connection.metaModel.getAttributeDefinition(EXPRESSION_MENTIONS);
Asset expressionAsset = super.connection.services.createNew(expressionType, Oid.Null);
// set the message
expressionAsset.setAttributeValue(expressionContentAttr, message);
// add the message to the conversation
expressionAsset.setAttributeValue(expressionBelongsTo, conversationAsset.oid);
// set the context of the expression to belong to the VersionOne record
Oid oid = Oid.fromToken(entity.oid, super.connection.metaModel);
expressionAsset.addAttributeValue(expressionMentionsAttr, oid);
// add mentions of other assets to the conversation
for (String assetOid : assetOids) {
Oid otherOid = Oid.fromToken(assetOid, super.connection.metaModel);
expressionAsset.addAttributeValue(expressionMentionsAttr, otherOid);
If you check meta, you’ll see that Mentions is a multi-relation attribute. Unfortunately there is no way to set the order of items in the multi-relational attribute. Here’s the query for checking meta:
The VersionOne UI has some logic that is setting the order of the Conversation mentions before displaying them.