I want to know how I can detect the Android device the visitor uses in PHP, for eg. Galaxy S. While browsing facebook from my phone, I saw: "Install Facebook on your Galaxy S and browse faster"
So I viewed phpinfo(); located on my server from the same browser I used while browsing facebook and searched for "galaxy" text and got no matches. So how come it detected my device name? And how can I detect it on my PHP script?
Any help would be appreciated.
Found something like this in here :- http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=205417
Check whether it's useful for you not.
/* detect mobile device*/
$ismobile = 0;
$container = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
// A list of mobile devices
$useragents = array (
'Blazer' ,
'Palm' ,
'Handspring' ,
'Nokia' ,
'Samsung' ,
'Motorola' ,
'Windows CE' ,
'Blackberry' ,
'WAP' ,
'PlayStation Portable',
foreach ( $useragents as $useragents ) {
if(strstr($container,$useragents)) {
$ismobile = 1;
if ( $ismobile == 1 ) {
echo "<p>mobile device</p>";
Some more stuffs here in here :- http://mobiledetect.net/
And some more :- http://detectmobilebrowsers.mobi/