I was playing with some code to remove constant-ness of variable.
int *i = new int(202);
int *j = new int(402);
int *const iptr = i; // Constant pointer
//iptr = j ; // Not allowed. Constant pointer cannot point to another location.
(*iptr)++; // Allowed
const_cast<int *>(iptr) = j;
cout<< *iptr // prints 402
It works as expected but when I try to remove constantness of "this" pointer, Compiler doesnt allow it, i.e. it shows squiggling lines underneath the const_cast statement.
class A
A(A * obj)
const_cast<A *>(this) = obj;
When I hovered mouse (I am using VS2014) over "this" and "iptr" from earlier code, I could see the type is same i.e. <classname> *const
Can anybody please explain what is going on under the hood?
is not an l-value.
You cannot assign it to point to something else.
You can do *this = *obj;
which does not require a const_cast
You can do a const_cast<A*>(this)
to override constness, and as with any other const_cast is fraught with danger, but it would enable you to perform a const/non-const overload without having to duplicate the implementation e.g.
T& A::get()
// some complex code to find the right reference, assigning to t
return t;
const T& A::get() const
// implement in terms of above function
return (const_cast<A*>(this))->get(); // invokes above
// and automatically converts the reference to const