I have an application in NET with iBatis and have many sql script with just one parameter. I want to expand all those with another parameter but it's almost impossible to rewrite all parameterclass. I now have this for example:
<select id="SelectAllByActionIdaction" resultMap="ResultSelectaction" parameterClass="int">
select a.* from t_action a
where a.actionid = #value#
This works fine, but now I want to put another variable on the query. For example like this:
select a.* from t_actie a
where a.actieid = #value#
and a.editUserID = #getCurrentUserID#
The getCurrentUserID is a method which I can call everywhere in my application, how can I manage to let it work in iBatis? That wouldn't be that hard wouldn't be?
It's not possible with iBatis to do such so, it's only possible to do such with parameter mapping, but since I have to many maps allready and every query needs a modification I will look for other solutions.