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Dapper: How to get value from DapperRow if column name is "count(*)"?

I have a dynamic result from Dapper query that contains records like this:

{DapperRow, billing_currency_code = 'USD', count(*) = '6'}

I'm able to access 'USD' by using rowVariable.billing_currency_code

To get '6' value I tried rowVariable["count(*)"] and rowVariable.kv["count(*)"] and unfortunately nothing works...

I can't change the count(*) column name in my case

How to get the '6' value from the rowVariable of type DapperRow in such case?


  • If the column name genuinely is "count(*)", then you can cast the row to a dictionary:

    var data = (IDictionary<string,object>)row;
    object value = data["count(*)"];

    For that to work (at least, in SQL Server), your query would need to be something like:

    select count(*) as [count(*)]

    However, in most cases the column doesn't have a name, in which case: fix your query ;p

    Actually, I'd probably say fix your query anyway; the following would be much easier to work with:

    select count(*) as [Count]