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is it possible to execute OpenCL code on ARM CPU (Cortex-a7) using the Mali OpenCL SDK?

Mali OpenCL SDK allows executing opencl code on the Mali GPU.
Is it possible to execute OpenCL code on ARM CPU (Cortex-a7) using the Mali OpenCL SDK?


  • Not at present - ARM have only publicly released drivers that support OpenCL on Mali GPUs. However, a couple of months ago they passed conformance for OpenCL running on an ARM CPU, so one might expect that this will be possible in the future:

    (from the Khronos conformant products page)

    ARM Limited   2014-06-13   OpenCL_1_1
    Linux 3.9.0 with ARM drivers on v7 CPU   Compute Device Type: CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU
                                             Compute Device Name: ARM Cortex-A15 NEON
                                             Compute Device Version: OpenCL 1.1
                                             Compute Device Driver Version: 1.1

    Another option for running OpenCL on ARM CPUs is to use pocl, an open-source project.