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Telerik AppBuilder Using Custom Plugin

I have recently started some app development with Telerik's AppBuilder and am running into one thing that I'm not certain of. I added a custom plugin to my project (Cordova Local Notifications Plugin) which seemed to work (it shows up in my solution now under a Plugins folder), but I have no idea how to reference the scripts and such from it. According to the Telerik documentation (Reference the Custom Plugin in index.html and config.xml), they say to add includes for anything with in the plugin.xml file, yet this plugin doesn't have that.

Any ideas on how I reference their script so I can start using it? Do I just reference Plugins/cordova-plugin-local-notifications-master/www/local-notification.js file direct or something else? Here is their plugin.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<plugin xmlns=""


<description>The purpose of the plugin is to create an platform independent javascript interface for Cordova based mobile applications to access the specific Notification API on each platform.</description>
<keywords>notification, local notification, alarm, scheduler, tile, live tiles, ios, android, windows phone 8, wp8</keywords>
<license>Apache 2.0</license>

<author>Sebastián Katzer</author>

    <engine name="cordova" version=">=3.0.0" />

<dependency id="org.apache.cordova.device" url="" />

<js-module src="www/local-notification.js" name="LocalNotification">
    <clobbers target="plugin.notification.local" />

<!-- ios -->
<platform name="ios">
    <config-file target="config.xml" parent="/*">
        <feature name="LocalNotification">
            <param name="ios-package" value="APPLocalNotification" onload="true" />
            <param name="onload" value="true" />

    <header-file src="src/ios/APPLocalNotification.h" />
    <source-file src="src/ios/APPLocalNotification.m" />

<!-- android -->
<platform name="android">
    <config-file target="res/xml/config.xml" parent="/*">
        <feature name="LocalNotification">
            <param name="android-package" value="de.appplant.cordova.plugin.localnotification.LocalNotification"/>

    <config-file target="AndroidManifest.xml" parent="/manifest/application">
         * The alarm receiver is triggered when a scheduled alarm is fired. This class
         * reads the information in the intent and displays this information in the
         * Android notification bar. The notification uses the default notification
         * sound and it vibrates the phone.
        <receiver android:name="de.appplant.cordova.plugin.localnotification.Receiver" />

         * This class is triggered upon reboot of the device. It needs to re-register
         * the alarms with the AlarmManager since these alarms are lost in case of
         * reboot.
        <receiver android:name="de.appplant.cordova.plugin.localnotification.Restore" >
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED" />

         * The receiver activity is triggered when a notification is clicked by a user.
         * The activity calls the background callback and brings the launch inten
         * up to foreground.
        <activity android:name="de.appplant.cordova.plugin.localnotification.ReceiverActivity" android:launchMode="singleInstance" />

    <config-file target="AndroidManifest.xml" parent="/manifest">
        <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED" />

    <lib-file src="libs/android/android-support-v4.jar" />

    <source-file src="src/android/" target-dir="src/de/appplant/cordova/plugin/localnotification" />
    <source-file src="src/android/"          target-dir="src/de/appplant/cordova/plugin/localnotification" />
    <source-file src="src/android/"           target-dir="src/de/appplant/cordova/plugin/localnotification" />
    <source-file src="src/android/"           target-dir="src/de/appplant/cordova/plugin/localnotification" />
    <source-file src="src/android/"  target-dir="src/de/appplant/cordova/plugin/localnotification" />

<!-- wp8 -->
<platform name="wp8">
    <config-file target="config.xml" parent="/*">
        <feature name="LocalNotification">
            <param name="wp-package" value="LocalNotification"/>

    <source-file src="src/wp8/LocalNotification.cs" />
    <source-file src="src/wp8/Options.cs" />


  • Any JavaScript file references are automatically inserted into your app when AppBuilder creates a build, so there is really not much you have to do aside from including the plugin. BTW, you should look for custom plugins first on the Verified Plugins Marketplace - which includes instructions on including the plugin in your AppBuilder project.