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Node.js - How to generate timestamp unix epoch format?

I am trying to send data to graphite carbon-cache process on port 2003 using

Ubuntu terminal:

echo "test.average 4 `date +%s`" | nc -q0 2003


var socket = net.createConnection(2003, "", function() {
    socket.write("test.average "+assigned_tot+"\n");

It works fine when i send data using the terminal window command on my ubuntu. However, i am not sure how to send timestamp unix epoch format from nodejs ?

Grpahite understands metric in this format metric_path value timestamp



  • The native JavaScript Date system works in milliseconds as opposed to seconds, but otherwise, it is the same "epoch time" as in UNIX.

    You can round down the fractions of a second and get the UNIX epoch by doing:

    Math.floor(+new Date() / 1000)

    Update: As Guillermo points out, an alternate syntax may be more readable:

    Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000)

    The + in the first example is a JavaScript quirk that forces evaluation as a number, which has the same effect of converting to milliseconds. The second version does this explicitly.