I am using profiler and UIAutomation to write tests for my iOS app.
How can I fetch UIElement to whom I have assigned accessibilityIdentifier in code? Here is my problem. I have an Universal app that runs on iPad and iPhone. View is different on these devices. I have 2 slightly different Xib files. On iPhone i have ScrollBar containing UILabel. On iPad I have ScrollBar containing UIView containing UILabel. These labels are contacted to the same IBOutlet. I have assigned accessibilityIdentifier to the IBOutlet.
How can I fetch my label from JavaScript using accessibilityIdentifier? Can it be done with the same code on iPad and on iPhone?
Something like
var label = target.frontMostApp().mainWindow().elements()["myAccesibilityIdentifier"];
UIALogger.logMessage("Is label valid? " + label.isValid());
As a result I get Is label valid? false
In your automation code you can discern whether or not your running iPad vs iPhone (example)
if(target.model()=="iPhone" || target.model() == "iPhone Simulator")
var phone = true;
var pad = false;
var appName = app.name();
UIALogger.logMessage("Testing device is: iPhone");
UIALogger.logMessage("Logger says: " + target.model());
UIALogger.logMessage("Application name: " + appName);
else if(target.model() =="iPad" || target.model() == "iPad Simulator")
var phone = false;
var pad = true;
var appName = app.name();
UIALogger.logMessage("Testing device is: iPad");
UIALogger.logMessage("Logger says: " + target.model());
UIALogger.logMessage("Application name: " + appName);
based on the variables phone/pad that I set in the example you can instruct your script how to find the element you are looking for.
//var label = Path to element (phone)
else if(pad)
//var label = Path to element (pad)
I know the use of pad/phone together is redundant, but I did that originally to be safe in case a third type gets mixed into iOS development in the future (Just in case ;)).