For Example how do I import this
---> test.csv
tesingImport ,hi there
---> What I tried
./mongoimport -d channeladvisor -c products --type csv --file ./test.csv -fields Sku, a.b.c
somehow I get this imported
"_id" : ObjectId("53e6eb0eeb5228df491a0f50"),
"Sku" : "tesingImport",
"a.b.c" : "hi there"
I can make a script to do this but I wasn't sure if I could use the import to make it faster
Unfortunately, this is not really possible as of MongoDB 2.6. mongoimport is a very simple import program that's not designed to have all the features to support complex import use cases. I recommend that you write your own script to construct the proper documents and insert them into the database.
There's also an open issue about this capability, SERVER-3691, that you might want to comment on, watch, or upvote.