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How to get hardlink cloning on Windows

I've got a Win7 x64 box running Tortoise 1.0 x64 release. About Tortoise reveals that it's 1.0 "with Mercurial-1.5, Python-2.6.4, PyGTK-2.16.0, GTK-2.18.7". I've also got ActivePython 2.6 and Mercurial 1.5 x64 installed (installed via the Mercurial installer from the 64-bit installer. Neither one clone with Hard Links on my windows box. The drives on my box are also NTFS, which supports hard links.

In deed, when I run the python interpreter and execute a hard link creation via the win32file api, it creates a link successfully:

me@pc C:\temp
> python
ActivePython (ActiveState Software Inc.) based on
Python 2.6.2 (r262:71600, Apr 21 2009, 15:05:37) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from win32file import *
>>> CreateHardLink('C:\\temp\\Mike2.txt','C:\\temp\\Mike.txt')
>>> ^Z

me@pc C:\temp
> fsutil hardlink list Mike.txt

However, if I use Mercurial to clone, I don't get the same results:

me@pc C:\Users\mcaron
> which hg
C:\Program Files (x86)\Mercurial\\hg.EXE
me@pc C:\temp
> hg status demo
mcaron@DEV-MCARON-W64 C:\temp
> hg log demo
changeset:   0:6db7092740d5
tag:         tip
user:        Michael Caron <>
date:        Wed Mar 24 16:08:38 2010 -0500
summary:     first

me@pc C:\temp
> hg clone demo demo2
updating to branch default
5 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
me@pc C:\temp
> fsutil hardlink list .\demo\mike.prtprp
me@pc4 C:\temp
> fsutil hardlink list .\demo\mike1.prtprp
me@pc C:\temp
> fsutil hardlink list .\demo\mike1_2.prtprp
mme@pc C:\temp
> fsutil hardlink list .\demo\mike2.prtprp

me@pc4 C:\temp
> hg --version
Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 1.5)

Copyright (C) 2005-2010 Matt Mackall <> and others
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
me@pc C:\temp
> python -V
Python 2.6.2

Does anyone have cloning working on Windows with hardlinks being used or is it not supported? I noticed that the TortoiseHg installer comes with a Python 2.6 installation. Also noticed that it has it's own Hg executable (which I've also tried and get the same results). Could the TortoiseHg and Mercurial installations be causing problems?


  • Yeah, you got the answer: the hardlinking is in the repo (.hg) not the working directory. Thus, if you create a clone with -U your clone takes up no additional diskspace. A no-working-dir clone is a great option on the server side, and sometimes useful on desktops too. If you forget the -U you can always get rid of a repo's working dir with hg update -r null which updates to the null revision, which predates the adding of any files.