I want to assign two different anchor images in one connection. One image for the source endpoint and other one for the target endpoint, using at the same time the 'continuous' option.
Something like that:
connection1 = instance.connect({
connector:[ "Flowchart", { cornerRadius:5 } ],
paintStyle:{ lineWidth:1, strokeStyle:"#C9302C", joinstyle:"round"},
anchors: ['Continuous', ['Left', 'Right','Top', 'Bottom']],
endpointsSOURCE: [
['Image', {url:urlLeft}],
['Image', {url:urlRight}],
['Image', {url:urlTop}],
['Image', {url:urlBottom}]
endpointsTARGET: [
['Image', {url:urlLeft2}],
['Image', {url:urlRight2}],
['Image', {url:urlTop2}],
['Image', {url:urlBottom2}]
Is it possible?
Yes, you can have entirely different look & feel for every single anchor.
Docs - http://jsplumbtoolkit.com/doc/endpoints.html