My git repo is stating that it is clean, when checked from the commandline:
$ git status
On branch develop
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/develop'.
nothing to commit, working directory clean
But GitHub for mac is showing that a submodule needs to be added:
I prefer to use GitHub, but can't really proceed as the submodule is causing an issue as I can't seem to add it. Has anyone else ever come across this? How do I get them to both agree (as it's the same Git repo!)
Check your .git/config file and make sure the submodule is listed there. Add it if not. Ex:
[submodule "yoursubmodule"] url = [email protected]:[your repo]
Then do a git pull. It may be that there is no 'reference' to the submodule in the root project, so it is not able to find it.