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Log Write Output to File in CAPL

Is there an easy way to take what I write to the write window and log it to a file? Or do I need to separately create an array of chars manually and open a file to write the char[] to? I would love to be able to write to file using regular expressions at the very least but I'm not finding much helpful info from the docs.


  • Looks like writeToLogEx(char format[], ...) can do what I want but it outputs to a Logging Block in the measurement setup. So I'll have some header and footer data that I don't want as well as CAN traffic if I don't put up a channel block.

    Vector's Example:

    char timeBuffer[64];
    writeToLogEx("===> %s",timeBuffer);

    Regular Expression Options:

    "%ld","%d" decimal display
    "%lx","%x" hexadecimal display
    "%lX","%X" hexadecimal display (upper case)
    "%lu","%u" unsigned display
    "%lo","%o" octal display
    "%s" display a string
    "%g","%lf" floating point display
    "%c" display a character
    "%%" display %-character
    "%I64d" decimal display of a 64 bit value
    "%I64x" hexadecimal display of a 64 bit value
    "%I64X" hexadecimal display of a 64 bit value (upper case)
    "%I64u" unsigned display of a 64 bit value