I have a comics image, and I want to extract panels and text balloons from it.
I am using connected component algorithm for this purpose,"bwconncomp
Knowing that "bwconncomp
" requires a binary image as an argument, I am using "im2bw
" to binarize my image followed by some morphological filtering.
Ibw = im2bw(I,graythresh(I)); % also tried the default threshold along with all values in the % range [0 1]
Imr = bwmorph(Ibw,'skel'); % also tried 'close' and 'clean'
Icc = bwareaopen(Imr,100);
The problem is that I am getting a drastic change in the number of detected connected components as I change the binarization threshold and some changes upon morphological operation. None of the combinations I have tried gave me all available major objects of the image, there is always some missing.
Can anyone please guide me with that?
You can try detecting text, rather than simply binarizing the image. If you have a recent version of MATLAB with the Computer Vision System Toolbox, you can try this example of text detection.