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Create RSS feed with PHP Fat Free Framework?

I am looking for a way to create an RSS feed from a database query using Fat Free Framework.

Does F3 come with this functionality packaged? Or is there any way to create an RSS feed using an F3 template?


  • Yes, you can do this using the f3 templating engine to output the correct xml, eg:


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="">
        <title>{{@blog.title}} </title>
        <atom:link href="{{@REALM}}" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
        <repeat group="{{@posts}}" key="{{@key}}" value="{{@post}}">
            <title>{{@post->title}} </title>
            <pubDate>{{date(, @post->date->sec)}}</pubDate>
            <description><![CDATA[ {{substr(strip_tags(@post->content),0,256)}} ]]></description>