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How can I do partial update or other methods to update complex documents in PouchDb?

I have a complex document like this:

   "_id": "07394B10-DEB7-E703-BB97-37B694FA0877",
   "_rev": "2-9a2c5809802024a8d35cc9fbba9ea885",
   "name": "Ivrea",
   "number": "1",
   "owners": [
           "name": "Ale",
           "address": "Via Ale 2",
           "gender": "Uomo",
           "type": "Assente",
           "date": "2014-08-10",
           "notes": [
                   "text": "Foo",
                   "date": "2014-08-10"

how can I update it partially? Ex. only or ? If I will doing a "join" with linked documents method, how can I do with this examples splitting owners and notes? thanks for your answers!


  • A join does indeed seem to be your best bet, since there is no way in PouchDB to just update "part" of a document – you have to update the whole thing.

    How about something like this? Let's say you have owners and cars.

    var owner = {
      _id: 'owner_1', // could be 'owner_' + Math.random() or whatever
      name: 'Cookie Monster',
      type: 'owner'
    var car = {
      _id: 'car_1', // ditto
      name: 'Mach 5',
      type: 'car',
      ownerId: 'owner_1' // Cookie Monster drives the Mach 5 :)
    var db = new PouchDB('mydb');
    db.bulkDocs([owner, car]).then(function () {
      return db.put({
        _id: '_design/owners_and_cars',
        views: {
          owners_and_cars: {
            map: function (doc) {
              if (doc.type === 'car') {
                emit(doc._id, {_id: doc.ownerId});
      }).catch(function (err) {
        if (err.status !== 409) {
          // 409 means already exists
          throw err;
    }).then(function () {
      return db.query('owners_and_cars', {include_docs: true});
    }).then(function (res) {
    }).catch(function (err) { 
      /* ... */

    This prints:

      "total_rows": 1,
      "offset": 0,
      "rows": [
          "id": "car_1",
          "key": "car_1",
          "value": {
            "_id": "owner_1"
          "doc": {
            "name": "Cookie Monster",
            "type": "owner",
            "_id": "owner_1",
            "_rev": "1-f702c1d279add84b30c6464070d8a985"

    This may be slow if you have a lot of data, though, because secondary indexes are slow. In that case, you can just explicitly do an allDocs query:

    db.allDocs({startkey: 'car_', endkey: 'car_\uffff'}); // finds all cars
    db.allDocs({startkey: 'owner_', endkey: 'owner_\uffff'}); // finds all owners

    Then you would manually do the join.