I made a Transform
to send JMS Produce
to ActiveMQ
but during executing the transform via my Java Client Application including PDI
I faced this Error :
2014/08/10 13:06:54 - ACTIVEMQ - Dispatching started for transformation [ACTIVEM
Exception in thread "Thread-8" com.pentaho.commons.dsc.f: license missing, inval
id, or expired
at com.pentaho.commons.dsc.j.a(SourceFile:92)
at org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.jms.f.<init>(SourceFile:61)
at org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.jms.JmsOutputMeta.getStep(SourceFile:58)
at org.pentaho.di.trans.Trans.prepareExecution(Trans.java:891)
at org.pentaho.di.trans.Trans.execute(Trans.java:604)
I tried to use the license file that installed with Pentaho
called .installedLicenses.xml
but no effect!
I know that Pentaho
is under Full Free License
, so what's the problem and what do I do?
The problem is that the plugin you're trying to use is an Enterprise Edition plugin and requires a valid license to run.
When you download the trial version you get a 30 day license.