Search code examples

Not Like Operator Weird Result Count

I have a table with 31,483 records in it. I would like to search this table using both a LIKE and a NOT LIKE operator. The user can select the Contains or the Does Not Contain option.

When I do a LIKE the where clause is as follows

WHERE Model LIKE '%test%'

Which filters the result set down to 1345 records - so all is fine and Dandy


I expected that running a not like on the table would result in n records where n = totalRowCount - LikeResultSet which results in an expected record count of 30138 when running a NOT LIKE operation.

I ran this WHERE clause:

WHERE Model NOT LIKE '%test%'

However it returned 30526 records.

I am assuming there is some intricacy of the NOT LIKE operator I am not realising.

so my question

Why arent I recieving a record count of TotalRows - LikeResults?

I am using SQL Server Compact 4.0 C# Visual Studio 2012


  • Check if some Model values are nulls, e.g. for the simple artifitial table

      with data as (
        select 'test' as model
         union all
        select 'abc'
         union all
        select 'def'
         union all
        select null -- <- That's vital

    you'll get

      -- 4 items
      select count(1)
        from data 
      -- 1 item: 'test'
      select count(1)
        from data 
       where model like '%test%'
      -- 2 items: 'abc' and 'def'
      select count(1)
        from data 
       where model not like '%test%'

    And so 1 + 2 != 4