I have a problem with RazorEngine 3.4 caching. I have a few email templates with the same @Layout
but different Models
for each template. It works fine until I try to use the Cache I read that not use cache: "will result in both dreadful performances and memory leaks"
from here.
So I turned it on. It was simple but lead to a problem: the _Layout.cshtml
is also cached with the first model type, when I try to parse an another template with a different Model it will throw an exception: "System.ArgumentException: Object of type '....model1...' cannot be converted to type '...model2...'."
I wrote 2 unit tests into "IsolatedTemplateServiceTestFixture.cs"
to show the problem. The first one passes, but the second one fails because the TemplateService.SetModelExplicit()
function wants to set the template.Model property with a different Model
type for the Layout
private Mock<ITemplateResolver> _templateResolver;
public void IsolatedTemplateService_CanParseTemplateWithLayout_WithOneSerializableModels_UseCache()
_templateResolver = new Mock<ITemplateResolver>();
var config = new TemplateServiceConfiguration()
Resolver = _templateResolver.Object
using (var service = new TemplateService(config))
_templateResolver.Setup(i => i.Resolve("test")).Returns("<html>@RenderBody()</html>");
const string template = @"@{Layout=""test"";}<h1>Hello @Model.Item1</h1>";
const string expected = "<html><h1>Hello World</h1></html>";
var model = new Tuple<string>("World");
string result = service.Parse(template, model, null, "C1");
string result2 = service.Parse(template, model, null, "C1");
Assert.That(result == expected, "Result does not match expected: " + result);
Assert.That(result2 == expected, "Result does not match expected: " + result2);
public void IsolatedTemplateService_CanParseTemplateWithLayout_WithDifferentSerializableModels_UseCache()
_templateResolver = new Mock<ITemplateResolver>();
var config = new TemplateServiceConfiguration()
Resolver = _templateResolver.Object
using (var service = new TemplateService(config))
_templateResolver.Setup(i => i.Resolve("test")).Returns("<html>@RenderBody()</html>");
const string template = @"@{Layout=""test"";}<h1>Hello @Model.Item1</h1>";
const string expected = "<html><h1>Hello World</h1></html>";
var model = new Tuple<string>("World");
string result = service.Parse(template, model, null, "C1");
string result2 = service.Parse(template, model, null, "C1");
const string template2 = @"@{Layout=""test"";}<h1>Hello2 @Model.Item1</h1>";
const string expected2 = "<html><h1>Hello2 123</h1></html>";
var model2 = new Tuple<int>(123);
string result3 = service.Parse(template2, model2, null, "C2");
Assert.That(result == expected, "Result does not match expected: " + result);
Assert.That(result2 == expected, "Result does not match expected: " + result2);
Assert.That(result3 == expected2, "Result does not match expected: " + result3);
My question is: anybody has the same problem? What would a "nice" way to workaround it until it will be fixed (if at all it happens)?
With the latest version (currently is v.3.10) both tests passed. So the problem was fixed.
As it is in RazorEngine, the layout has a fixed type, even if you don't declare a model in it. The first time the layout gets compiled by compiling a template, the template's model type becomes the layout's type as well. As you noticed, that will clash when you try to compile another template with a different type.
You can work around that by declaring the model type of the layout dynamic, i.e. @model dynamic
That should do the trick. The actual templates don't need to be altered.