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Suppress matplotlib figures when running .py files via python or ipython terminal

I am writing a to test the execution of a folder of python examples. Currently I use glob to parse the folder and then use subprocess to execute each python file. The issue is that some of these files are plots and they open a Figure window that halts until the window is closed.

A lot of the questions on this issue offer solutions from within the file, but how could I suppress the output whilst running the file externally without any modification?

What I have done so far is:

import subprocess as sb
import glob
from nose import with_setup

def test_execute():
    files = glob.glob("../*.py")
    for fl in files:
  ["ipython", "--matplotlib=Qt4", fl])
            assert False, "File: %s ran with some errors\n" % (fl)

This kind of works, in that it suppresses the Figures, but it doesn't throw any exceptions (even if the program has an error). I am also not 100% sure what it is doing. Is it appending all of the figures to Qt4 or will the Figure be removed from memory when that script has finished?

Ideally I would like to ideally run each .py file and capture its stdout and stderr, then use the exit condition to report the stderr and fail the tests. Then when I run nosetests it will run the examples folder of programs and check that they all run.


  • You could force matplotlib to use the Agg backend (which won't open any windows) by inserting the following lines at the top of each source file:

    import matplotlib

    Here's a one-liner shell command that will dynamically insert these lines at the top of (without modifying the file on disk) before piping the output to the Python interpreter for execution:

    ~$ sed "1i import matplotlib\nmatplotlib.use('Agg')\n" | python

    You should be able to make the equivalent call using subprocess, like this:

    p1 = sb.Popen(["sed", "1i import matplotlib\nmatplotlib.use('Agg')\n", fl],
    exit_cond =["python"], stdin=p1.stdout)

    You could capture the stderr and stdout from your scripts by passing the stdout= and stderr= arguments to This would, of course, only work in Unix environments that have the sed utility.


    This is actually quite an interesting problem. I thought about it a bit more, and I think this is a more elegant solution (although still a bit of a hack):

    import sys
    import os
    import glob
    from contextlib import contextmanager
    import traceback
    set_backend = "import matplotlib\nmatplotlib.use('Agg')\n"
    def redirected_output(new_stdout=None, new_stderr=None):
        save_stdout = sys.stdout
        save_stderr = sys.stderr
        if new_stdout is not None:
            sys.stdout = new_stdout
        if new_stderr is not None:
            sys.stderr = new_stderr
            yield None
            sys.stdout = save_stdout
            sys.stderr = save_stderr
    def run_exectests(test_dir, log_path='exectests.log'):
        test_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(test_dir, '*.py'))
        passed = []
        failed = []
        with open(log_path, 'w') as f:
            with redirected_output(new_stdout=f, new_stderr=f):
                for fname in test_files:
                    print(">> Executing '%s'" % fname)
                        code = compile(set_backend + open(fname, 'r').read(),
                                       fname, 'exec')
                        exec(code, {'__name__':'__main__'}, {})
        print ">> Passed %i/%i tests: " %(len(passed), len(test_files))
        print "Passed: " + ', '.join(passed)
        print "Failed: " + ', '.join(failed)
        print "See %s for details" % log_path
        return passed, failed
    if __name__ == '__main__':

    Conceptually this is very similar to my previous solution - it works by reading in the test scripts as strings, and prepending them with a couple of lines that will import matplotlib and set the backend to a non-interactive one. The string is then compiled to Python bytecode, then executed. The main advantage is that it this ought to be platform-independent, since sed is not required.

    The {'__name__':'__main__'} trick with the globals is necessary if, like me, you tend to write your scripts like this:

        def run_me():
        if __name__ == '__main__':

    A few points to consider:

    • If you try to run this function from within an ipython session where you've already imported matplotlib and set an interactive backend, the set_backend trick won't work and you'll still get figures popping up. The easiest way is to run it directly from the shell (~$ python testdir/ logfile.log), or from an (i)python session where you haven't set an interactive backend for matplotlib. It should also work if you run it in a different subprocess from within your ipython session.
    • I'm using the contextmanager trick from this answer to redirect stdin and stdout to a log file. Note that this isn't threadsafe, but I think it's pretty unusual for scripts to open subprocesses.