This question may seem a little redundant in the forums, but I have not been able to come to a conclusion after a good deal of searching and I hope I will find my answer here.
I am having a problem using MBProgressHUD. I am using two view controllers. Controller A and Controller B.
I am also using a segue to transfer parsed data from A to B. I have tried putting the MBProgressHUD before the segue, but the progress bar doesn't show up until it reaches Controller B. I need to figure out a way to either thread it in the background or use it asynchronously.
Question: How do I have the MBProgressHUD load during the segue from Controller A to Controller B?
For reference, this is an excerpt of my prepareForSegue method.
Thanks in advance.
NSIndexPath *indexPath = [myTableView indexPathForSelectedRow];
currentStore = [arrayOfStore objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
ReportsViewController *destinationVC = [segue destinationViewController]; = self.selectedCellName;
destinationVC.startDate = selectedStartDate;
destinationVC.endDate = selectedEndDate;
destinationVC.netSales = currentStore.netSales;
destinationVC.voids = currentStore.voids;
destinationVC.discounts = currentStore.discounts;
destinationVC.guestCount = currentStore.guestCount;
destinationVC.peopleServed = currentStore.peopleServed;
destinationVC.employeeClockIn = currentStore.employeesClock;
This worked perfect for me. I just dispatched the segue and threw the MBProgressHUD afterwards.
dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_queue_create("Camaleon Reports", NULL);
dispatch_async(queue, ^{
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self performSegueWithIdentifier:@"report" sender:nil];
[self loadingData];