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How to use dynamic URL in Apigee Service Callout

This is a easy one.I need the <URL> element in the Apigee Service callout(SC) as dynamic one.

Eg: <URL>http://{dynamicURL}</URL>

Where dynamicURL will be determined at runtime and this value will be different for every request. It will have the complete target URL such as (ip:port/abc/orderid/1234)

<Properties />

Have tried these:

  • In a JS policy, tried setting servicecallout.{scpolicyname}.target.url in the context. In this case only the dynamic ip:port is getting sent. The URI is missing /abc/orderid/1234.

  • In the AssignMessage policy, created a header and tried using it in SC URL element like, {}, with $ at front.

  • In the AssignMessage policy, created a variable & tried using it in SC like {dynamicURL} with $ at front.

This is a common usecase and I'm sure there must be a easy way to do. Need your help with this.




  • You can use a combination of the ServiceCallout and AssignMessage policy.

    You can set the ip:port in the ServiceCallout policy itself. Set this in the element <URL>http://{dynamicURL}</URL> of the <HTTPTargetConnection>, just as you noted.

    As for the rest of the URI, you can use the AssignMessage policy <Path> element. Here is an example:

    <AssignMessage enabled="true" continueOnError="false" async="false" name="GenerateAuthorizationPayload">
        <AssignTo createNew="true" type="request"/>
        <Payload contentType="text/xml">
            <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:v1="urn:sample">

    You should also be able to put a {variable} inside of the <Path> tags if you need flexibility there.

    It is the combination of these 2 policies that you get a dynamic ip:port/path.