I just noticed that session_destroy()
does not seem to be working for me.
Testing PHP code looks like this:
$_SESSION['session'] = 'session started';
But the display still shows
Array ( [session] => session started)
Surely this should throw an error as the SESSION variable now does not exist?
destroys the saved session data - in most cases, that's the session file.
However, it doesn't affect the session variable itself.
Therefore, so long as you are in the same request, you can continue to use the $_SESSION
superglobal with all its previous values. To completely destroy that, you should use:
foreach(array_keys($_SESSION) as $k) unset($_SESSION[$k]);
Or code to similar effect.
That said, it doesn't matter much - the session will be destroyed, and usually you only do this on logout pages that will only be displayed briefly before sending the user back to the homepage.