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kmz/geoxml3: How to suppress "To Here - From Here" line in infowindows?

Since moving from google.maps.KmlLayer to geoxml3 I now have "To Here" and "From Here" links on a new line at the bottom of each infowindow. How do I get rid of those?

After I posted the original question above, I figured out that this happens with the kmz branch but not the polys branch. I need the kmz branch, to deal with markers with shadows, which are either wider than 32 pixels or off-center.

I could be out of my depth, but looking at the KMZ source it seems that kmz/geoxml3 will always add the Directions line if there's a latlng for that placemark, which is to say for every placemark.

So, unless there's an infoWindowOption or something I'm not seeing, I guess all I can do is hack out the code that loads geDirections, around lines 1206-1215. But is there some way to suppress that line without hacking kmz/geoxml3?

The current map is at, and the code (with text styling removed) is:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" />
    <style type="text/css">
        html { height: 100% }
        #page-body { height: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; }
        #map-canvas { 
            height: 100%;
    <script src="">
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>

        function initialize() {
            var mapOptions = {
                center: new google.maps.LatLng(20,-100),
                zoom: 2,
                preserveViewport: true
            var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map-canvas"), mapOptions);   
            var blues = new geoXML3.parser({map: map, singleInfoWindow: true, zoom: false});

        google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);

  <body id="page-body">
    <div id="map-canvas"/>  

The KML file is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="">
    <name>Blues Dance Cities</name>
    <Style id="style1">
            <hotSpot x="24" y="0" xunits="pixels" yunits="pixels" />

            <![CDATA[<h6>Blues Playground <a href="" target="_blank">Site</a>, 
            <a href="" target="_blank">Group</a></h6>

        <name>Australia &amp; New Zealand</name>
            <![CDATA[<h6><a href="" target="_blank">Blues Dancers ANZ</h6>
            <h6><a href="" target="_blank">Blues, Fusion &amp; Alt-Blues Dancing<br>
            &emsp;(Australia &amp; NZ)</h6>

Thanks, Drew


  • Added an option to suppress the directions links in the infowindow in the KMZ branch of geoxml3 (revision 113 of the KMZ branch)

    use it like this:

    var blues = new geoXML3.parser({
                  map: map, 
                  singleInfoWindow: true, 
                  suppressDirections: true,
                  zoom: false

    working example