When products A and B each install several MSIs and some of the MSIs are the same, will uninstalling either A or B affect the other? Does install location matter?
Also, what happens when common MSI C's version is higher in Product B and B upgrades C on install? Now uninstalling B will remove the common MSI C which breaks Product A. How do you handle this gracefully without using the Permanent flag?
The first thing that comes to mind with this question is whether the products in question are decomposed the way they should be.
As a general rule all MSI files think they own whatever they install, and they will uninstall everything attached to a component GUID inside the MSI on uninstall if the reference count (number of products using the component) is zero.
There are some qualifications to this rule:
The mechanisms for creating shared components between MSI packages are generally:
Updating and file replacement:
At this point I would thoroughly read these answers:
Provided you use Wix, or you are willing to use Wix, I would think the best way to deal with your overlapping products would be to decompose your installer into Wix segment source files that you include as needed in your main installers. This will allow the uninstall of one product to leave in place any components used by other applications.
With that being said, I do not like to cause too many overlapping dependencies in my installers for the reasons listed in this article (also listed above): Wix to Install multiple Applications .
For stability it is crucially important that shared components are stable before being used by too many setups as a bug fix as a general rule will require the recompilation of all setups the shared component is compiled or merged into. The easy way to say it: bundle files together that change together.
To counteract this need for massive recompilation, you can chose to deliver a stand-alone supporting setup consisting of some of the shared components. One, or a couple of such "shared components setups" that are likely to contain Wix includes that change together on a similar, slow release schedule, and then separate setups for each product should be able to account for any deployment need whilst maintaining a balance between maintainability and flexibility.
The product setup should then be the one that gets recompiled often, and the shared modules setups should be designed for minimal recompilation. Then wait for changing requirements :-).
To me it is all about cohesion and coupling, and the difficulty of balancing sales, marketing and technical needs.