I am new to c++ and am writing a procedural program to get the hang of that side of it. I will have a collections of functions that call each other and some include statements, namespace statements, and constant declarations.
My questions are:
What are some guidelines for the file structure of the program ? Should I break this apart with some functions in another file(s) if so are their some standards for what categories of functions deserve their own file?
I hope this question is specific enough. I am NOT looking for the "best" way to do this, just some general guidelines people use.
Thanks so much.
Basically, you should group your procedures in some kind of logic and put them together in one file. Then it's a lot easier to read code and it's much more elegant than having only a few extensive files. A good practice is also to make declarations of functions at the top of the file and their definitions at the bottom.
void myfun(int a);
void myfun(int a)
//do sth