I have data that looks like:
[[datetime1, label1],
[datetime2, label2],
[datetime3, label3]]
The labels are strings. I have a binning parameter (delta) that's a datetime.timedelta.
What I'm trying to do:
So I would end up with something like:
[[datetimebin1, [label1, label2],
[datetimebin2, []],
[datetimebin3, []],
[datetimebin4, [label3]]
I've been pointed to pandas, but haven't found what I'm looking for. Any help is much appreciated!
Something along these lines should do:
# data: a lists of lists (length 2) of measurements
# res: resulting list of lists
# delta: time delta
# output list (will be a list of lists, as in the question
res = []
# end of first bin:
binstart = data[0][0]
res.append([binstart, []])
# iterate through the data item
for d in data:
# if the data item belongs to this bin, append it into the bin
if d[0] < binstart + delta:
# otherwise, create new empty bins until this data fits into a bin
binstart += delta
while d[0] > binstart + delta:
res.append([binstart, [])
binstart += delta
# create a bin with the data
res.append([binstart, [d[1]]])