I'm trying to analyze a large amount of GitHub Archive Data and am stumped by many limitations.
So my analysis requires me too search a 350GB Data set. I have a local copy of the data and there is also a copy available via Google BigQuery. The local dataset is split up into 25000 individual files. The dataset is a timeline of events.
I want to plot the number of stars each repository has since its creation. (Only for repos with > 1000 currently)
I can get this result very quickly using Google BigQuery, but it "analyzes" 13.6GB of data each time. This limits me to <75 requests without having to pay $5 per additional 75.
My other option is to search through my local copy, but searching through each file for a specific string (repository name) takes way too long. Took over an hour on an SSD drive to get through half the files before I killed the process.
What is a better way I can approach analyzing such a large amount of data?
Python Code for Searching Through all Local Files:
for yy in range(11,15):
for mm in range(1,13):
for dd in range(1,32):
for hh in range(0,24):
counter = counter + 1
if counter < startAt:
if counter > stopAt:
#print counter
strHH = str(hh)
strDD = str(dd)
strMM = str(mm)
strYY = str(yy)
if len(strDD) == 1:
strDD = "0" + strDD
if len(strMM) == 1:
strMM = "0" + strMM
#print strYY + "-" + strMM + "-" + strDD + "-" + strHH
f = json.load (open ("/Volumes/WD_1TB/GitHub Archive/20"+strYY+"-"+strMM+"-"+strDD+"-"+strHH+".json", 'r') , cls=ConcatJSONDecoder)
for each_event in f:
if(each_event["type"] == "WatchEvent"):
num_stars = int(each_event["repository"]["watchers"])
created_at = each_event["created_at"]
json_entry[4][created_at] = num_stars
except Exception, e:
print e
except Exception, e:
print e
Google Big Query SQL Command:
SELECT repository_owner, repository_name, repository_watchers, created_at
FROM [githubarchive:github.timeline]
WHERE type = "WatchEvent"
AND repository_owner = "mojombo"
AND repository_name = "grit"
ORDER BY created_at
I am really stumped so any advice at this point would be greatly appreciated.
I found a solution to this problem - Using a database. i imported the relevant data from my 360+GB of JSON data to a MySQL Database and queried that instead. What used to be a 3hour+ query time per element became <10seconds.
MySQL wasn't the easiest thing to set up, and import took approximately ~7.5 hours, but the results made it well worth it for me.