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Sencha Dataview with Store not showing

I'm new at sencha touch, and i'm having trouble using dataview with an ajax store.

Here follow my code:

On my app.js on the launch part:

Ext.define('SocializeApp.model.Friends', {
        extend: '',
        config: {
            fields: [
                {name:'name' ,type:'string'},
                {name:'id' ,type:'string'},
                {name:'img' ,type:'string'}
    Ext.define('', {
        extend: '',
        config: {
            model: 'SocializeApp.model.Friends',
            storeId: 'FriendStore',
            proxy: {
                type: 'ajax',
                url: '',
                reader: {
                    type: 'json',
                    rootProperty: 'friends'
                autoLoad: 'true'



In the Main.js

  Ext.define('SocializeApp.view.Main', {
    extend: '',
    fullscreen: true,
    xtype: 'main',
    requires: ['Ext.TitleBar'],
    config: {
        tabBarPosition: 'bottom',
        items: [{
            title: 'Amigos',
            iconCls: 'team',
            items: [{
                xtype: 'dataview',
                store: 'FriendStore',
                scrollable: {
                    direction: 'vertical'
                tpl: ['{img} {id} {name}']
        }, {
            title: 'time',
            iconCls: 'time',
            items: [{
                html: '<h1> game </h1><src="resources/img/socialize-button.png" alt=""/>',
        }, {
            title: 'Interesses',
            iconCls: 'bookmarks',
            items: [{
                docked: 'top',
                xtype: 'titlebar',
                title: 'Getting Started'
            }, {
                xtype: 'video',
                url: '',
                posterUrl: ''

I'm kind of lost, i used the store as a variable to test and in the console it gave me the correct data, but no optout for this dataview.



I really appreciate any help.



  • Try these (code has the ideas combined).

    1 - Give your dataview an itemId, and load the store in your view initialize method. Might also want to try and set autoLoad to false.

    2 - Sometimes I also explicitly give the full store reference rather than just the id, for ex Ext.getStore('FriendStore')

    3 - Are you using MVC? did you declare your stores /models in your app.js?

         name: 'yourapp',
         stores: ['FriendStore'],
         models: ['Friends'],
         launch: function() {   

    4 - Or, just thought of this.. change your tpl to 'itemTpl'

    Ext.define('SocializeApp.view.Main', {
        extend: '',
        fullscreen: true,
        xtype: 'main',
        requires: ['Ext.TitleBar', ''],
        config: {
            tabBarPosition: 'bottom',
            items: [{
                title: 'Amigos',
                iconCls: 'team',
                items: [{
                    itemId: 'FriendsDataview',
                    xtype: 'dataview',
                    store: Ext.getStore('FriendStore'),
                    scrollable: {
                        direction: 'vertical'
                    itemTpl: ''.concat(
                        '<div>{img} {id} {name}</div>'
            }, {
                title: 'time',
                iconCls: 'time',
                items: [{
                    html: '<h1> game </h1><src="resources/img/socialize-button.png" alt=""/>',
            }, {
                title: 'Interesses',
                iconCls: 'bookmarks',
                items: [{
                    docked: 'top',
                    xtype: 'titlebar',
                    title: 'Getting Started'
                }, {
                    xtype: 'video',
                    url: '',
                    posterUrl: ''
        initialize: function(){
            var store = Ext.getStore('FriendStore');
            var dv = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('dataview[itemId=FriendsDataview]')[0];