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jQuery treetable using events

I need assistance figuring out how to use the events provided with the jQuery plugin treetable.

jQuery treetable (PLUGIN):

This is what I am trying to solve.

When a branch collapses the plugin should trigger an event called "onNodeCollapse".

When a branch collapses I just need to display a javascript popup that says "A branch has collapsed". From here I can tie it into our own functions.

I have tried several different methods as well as searching on line for a solution.

Example script:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
  <title>jQuery treetable with event trigger - jsFiddle demo by djlerman</title>

  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//">
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">

  <script type='text/javascript' src='//'></script>
  <script type='text/javascript' src="//"></script>
  <script type='text/javascript' src=""></script>

  <script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[ 
    $("#example-basic").treetable({ expandable: true });

        Trying to get this function to happen when 
        "onNodeCollapse" event happens
    $("#example-basic").on("onNodeCollapse", function() {
        alert( "A branch has collapsed" );
  <table id="example-basic">
    <caption>Basic jQuery treetable Example</caption>
        <th>Tree column</th>
        <th>Additional data</th>
      <tr data-tt-id="1">
        <td>Node 1: Click on the icon in front of me to expand this branch.</td>
        <td>I live in the second column.</td>
      <tr data-tt-id="1.1" data-tt-parent-id="1">
        <td>Node 1.1: Look, I am a table row <em>and</em> I am part of a tree!</td>
      <tr data-tt-id="1.1.1" data-tt-parent-id="1.1">
        <td>Node 1.1.1: I am part of the tree too!</td>
        <td>That's it!</td>
      <tr data-tt-id="2">
        <td>Node 2: I am another root node, but without children</td>




  • jsFiddle Demo

    You need to set the onNodeCollapse function in the settings object when the treetable is first set up.

     expandable: true,
     onNodeCollapse: function() {
      alert( "A branch has collapsed" );