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Is there a way to make Azure WebJobs ServiceBus out parameter optional?

I am building a console application that will be run as a continuous Azure WebJob. I am using the Azure WebJobs SDK via the Nuget Package Microsoft.Azure.Jobs.ServiceBus v0.3.1-beta (prerelease). I have static method that triggers on an Azure ServiceBus queue. I do some processing and then want to have the option to send a response via the output parameter to another queue. The method signature looks like this:

public static void TriggerOnQueue(
     [ServiceBusTrigger(QueueName)] BrokeredMessage receivedMessage,
     [ServiceBus(QueueResponseName)] out BrokeredMessage responseMessage)

My initial thought was to set the responseMessage to null. However, when I do this an error appears in the console window. It doesn't stop execution (so it technically does what I want it to do), but I would rather not push something throwing errors to production. Is there any non-hackish way to set a value in the response message that will not throw an error, but will not submit the message to the response queue?

If not, is there another pattern I am missing that I could use? I would prefer to use the pipeline feature of the WebJobs SDK as opposed to creating the output queue manually. I could probably submit the requests that need a response on to a separate queue and have 2 separate triggers, but with the small amount I am having this do I would rather keep it simple and together.



  • This pattern of specifying null for an out parameter works for Azure Queues but it throws an exception for Service Bus Queues. This looks like bug in the SDK. I will open a bug for us to fix it. Thank you for reporting this issue