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Android project using Maven with AAR for not having Eclipse errors

I have an android project that uses several libraries:

  • play-services for analytics,
  • appcompat-v7 for the actionar,
  • and others... (for ads, in-app...)

I used to use APKLIB packaging and I was able to generate the APK of my project, but having hundreds of errors in Eclipse. So my intention is to fix this for not having any error at all }:-)

I discovered the AAR format and all this gradle staff, but I'd like to keep using my maven structure as it is.

So I got the AAR package of play_services (thanks to and generated the AAR package of appcompat-v7 and the others libs.

And I almost made this happen, excepting some errors with styles and other missing resources from those libs that are still not found:

Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'value' with value '@integer/google_play_services_version').   
Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'theme' with value '@style/Theme.AppCompat.Light').    

This is an example of some of my dependencies:


My questions are:

  • Does it worth to forget Maven and move to Gradle for using Android apps? (Please say no :)
  • Is it not possible to get the dependencies resources using AAR packaging? I don't want to import all my projects in Eclipse for having access to their resources.


  • Move to Gradle, it might pay off the effort you have to do to fix it. These new google libraries are more and more made for Gradle. Android-Maven-Plugin isn't mature enough to work well with AAR files the way APKLIB used to work, so it might require a lot of little adaptations. So if that is the case, I would recommend to spend this precious time with Gradle instead.

    Note: by "moving to Gradle" it doesn't necessarily mean that you have to switch to Android Studio. You can still use this great IDE that Eclipse is ;-)