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Find a block of text in formatted text file

I often parse formatted text files using Python (for biology research, but I'll try and ask my question in a way you won't need biology background.) I deal with a type of file -called a pdb file- that contains 3D structure of a protein in a formatted text. This is an example:

HEADER    CHROMOSOMAL PROTEIN                     02-JAN-87   1UBQ              
REMARK   1                                                                      
REMARK   1 REFERENCE 1                                                          
REMARK   1  AUTH 2 P.M.HATFIELD,W.J.COOK                                        
REMARK   1  TITL 2 YEAST, AND OAT UBIQUITIN                                     
REMARK   1  REF    J.BIOL.CHEM.                  V. 262  6396 1987              
REMARK   1  REFN                   ISSN 0021-9258

ATOM      1  N   MET A   1      27.340  24.430   2.614  1.00  9.67           N  
ATOM      2  CA  MET A   1      26.266  25.413   2.842  1.00 10.38           C  
ATOM      3  C   MET A   1      26.913  26.639   3.531  1.00  9.62           C  
ATOM      4  O   MET A   1      27.886  26.463   4.263  1.00  9.62           O  
ATOM      5  CB  MET A   1      25.112  24.880   3.649  1.00 13.77           C  
ATOM      6  CG  MET A   1      25.353  24.860   5.134  1.00 16.29           C  
ATOM      7  SD  MET A   1      23.930  23.959   5.904  1.00 17.17           S  
ATOM      8  CE  MET A   1      24.447  23.984   7.620  1.00 16.11           C  
ATOM      9  N   GLN A   2      26.335  27.770   3.258  1.00  9.27           N  
ATOM     10  CA  GLN A   2      26.850  29.021   3.898  1.00  9.07           C  
ATOM     11  C   GLN A   2      26.100  29.253   5.202  1.00  8.72           C  
ATOM     12  O   GLN A   2      24.865  29.024   5.330  1.00  8.22           O  
ATOM     13  CB  GLN A   2      26.733  30.148   2.905  1.00 14.46           C  
ATOM     14  CG  GLN A   2      26.882  31.546   3.409  1.00 17.01           C  
ATOM     15  CD  GLN A   2      26.786  32.562   2.270  1.00 20.10           C  
ATOM     16  OE1 GLN A   2      27.783  33.160   1.870  1.00 21.89           O  
ATOM     17  NE2 GLN A   2      25.562  32.733   1.806  1.00 19.49           N  
ATOM     18  N   ILE A   3      26.849  29.656   6.217  1.00  5.87           N  
ATOM     19  CA  ILE A   3      26.235  30.058   7.497  1.00  5.07           C  
ATOM     20  C   ILE A   3      26.882  31.428   7.862  1.00  4.01           C  
ATOM     21  O   ILE A   3      27.906  31.711   7.264  1.00  4.61           O  
ATOM     22  CB  ILE A   3      26.344  29.050   8.645  1.00  6.55           C  
ATOM     23  CG1 ILE A   3      27.810  28.748   8.999  1.00  4.72           C  
ATOM     24  CG2 ILE A   3      25.491  27.771   8.287  1.00  5.58           C  
ATOM     25  CD1 ILE A   3      27.967  28.087  10.417  1.00 10.83           C
TER      26      ILE A   3

HETATM  604  O   HOH A  77      45.747  30.081  19.708  1.00 12.43           O  
HETATM  605  O   HOH A  78      19.168  31.868  17.050  1.00 12.65           O  
HETATM  606  O   HOH A  79      32.010  38.387  19.636  1.00 12.83           O  
HETATM  607  O   HOH A  80      42.084  27.361  21.953  1.00 22.27           O   

ATOM marks beginning of a line that contains atomic coordinates. TER marks end of coordinates. I want to take the whole block of text that contains atomic coordinates so I use:

import re

f = open('example.pdb', 'r+')
content =

coor ='ATOM.*TER', content) #take everthing between ATOM and TER

But it matches nothing. There must be a way of taking a whole block of text by using regex. I also don't understand why this regex pattern doesn't work. Help is appreciated.


  • This should match (but I haven't actually tested it):

    coor ='ATOM.*TER', content, re.DOTALL)

    If you read the documentation on DOTALL, you will understand why it wasn't working.

    A still better way of writing the above is

    coor ='^ATOM.*^TER', content, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)

    where it is required that ATOM and TER come after newlines, and where raw string notation is being used, which is customary for regular expressions (though it won't make any difference in this case).

    You could also avoid regular expressions altogether:

    start = content.index('\nATOM')
    end = content.index('\nTER', start)
    coor = content[start:end]

    (This will actually not include the TER in the result, which may be better).