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I'm getting No route matches [DELETE] with custom action and routes in ruby on rails

I have a show page which lists all objects in my DB. I have a delete link that sends the ID of that object to the destroy method in the associated controller and I can then easily delete that object and redirect back to the show page.

On the same show page I have a set of inline images beside each corresponding object. Each image is actually a link (except first as that shouldn't be deleted). When I click a specific image I send the ID of the object plus the column name of the object as a string to a new custom method called destroyImage.

I've created this method in my controller:

  def destroyImage
    garment ="Garments").eq("objectId", params[:id]).get.first
    garment[params[:imageToDelete]] = nil
    if garment.parse_delete
      flash[:success] = "Image successfully deleted!"
      redirect_to adminpanel_path
      flash[:error] = "Image not deleted, try again!"
      render "show"

In my view:

   <td class= "images">
     <div id="deleteText"><%= "Click on image to delete." %></div>
     <%= image_tag garment["image"].url if garment["image"] %> 
     <%= link_to image_tag(garment["image2"].url), destroyImage_adminpanel_path(:id => garment["objectId"], :imageToDelete => "image2"), :method => 'delete' if garment["image2"] %>
     <%= link_to image_tag(garment["image3"].url), destroyImage_adminpanel_path(:id => garment["objectId"], :imageToDelete => "image3"), :method => 'delete' if garment["image3"] %>
     <%= link_to image_tag(garment["image4"].url), destroyImage_adminpanel_path(:id => garment["objectId"], :imageToDelete => "image4"), :method => 'delete' if garment["image4"] %>
     <%= link_to image_tag(garment["image5"].url), destroyImage_adminpanel_path(:id => garment["objectId"], :imageToDelete => "image5"), :method => 'delete' if garment["image5"] %>
     <%= link_to image_tag(garment["image6"].url), destroyImage_adminpanel_path(:id => garment["objectId"], :imageToDelete => "image6"), :method => 'delete' if garment["image6"] %>

In my routes:

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  resources :adminpanel do
    member do
      get 'destroyImage'

Rake routes:

destroyImage_adminpanel GET    /adminpanel/:id/destroyImage(.:format) adminpanel#destroyImage
       adminpanel_index GET    /adminpanel(.:format)                  adminpanel#index
                        POST   /adminpanel(.:format)                  adminpanel#create
         new_adminpanel GET    /adminpanel/new(.:format)              adminpanel#new
        edit_adminpanel GET    /adminpanel/:id/edit(.:format)         adminpanel#edit
             adminpanel GET    /adminpanel/:id(.:format)              adminpanel#show
                        PATCH  /adminpanel/:id(.:format)              adminpanel#update
                        PUT    /adminpanel/:id(.:format)              adminpanel#update
                        DELETE /adminpanel/:id(.:format)              adminpanel#destroy

I'm getting an error ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [DELETE]. I've looked at my routing and there seems to be no path for destroyImage (DELETE) I can only see one for GET.

I'm sure this is small issue that can me fixed easily but after reading the guides I'm still slightly lost.

Appreciate your help.



  • You should create your route with delete instead of get:

    delete 'destroyImage'

    Also the convention in Ruby is that methods (thus, also Rails actions) are named with underscore instead of camel case, so your action should be named destroy_image.