I have a show page which lists all objects in my DB. I have a delete link that sends the ID of that object to the destroy method in the associated controller and I can then easily delete that object and redirect back to the show page.
On the same show page I have a set of inline images beside each corresponding object. Each image is actually a link (except first as that shouldn't be deleted). When I click a specific image I send the ID of the object plus the column name of the object as a string to a new custom method called destroyImage.
I've created this method in my controller:
def destroyImage
garment = Parse::Query.new("Garments").eq("objectId", params[:id]).get.first
garment[params[:imageToDelete]] = nil
if garment.parse_delete
flash[:success] = "Image successfully deleted!"
redirect_to adminpanel_path
flash[:error] = "Image not deleted, try again!"
render "show"
In my view:
<td class= "images">
<div id="deleteText"><%= "Click on image to delete." %></div>
<%= image_tag garment["image"].url if garment["image"] %>
<%= link_to image_tag(garment["image2"].url), destroyImage_adminpanel_path(:id => garment["objectId"], :imageToDelete => "image2"), :method => 'delete' if garment["image2"] %>
<%= link_to image_tag(garment["image3"].url), destroyImage_adminpanel_path(:id => garment["objectId"], :imageToDelete => "image3"), :method => 'delete' if garment["image3"] %>
<%= link_to image_tag(garment["image4"].url), destroyImage_adminpanel_path(:id => garment["objectId"], :imageToDelete => "image4"), :method => 'delete' if garment["image4"] %>
<%= link_to image_tag(garment["image5"].url), destroyImage_adminpanel_path(:id => garment["objectId"], :imageToDelete => "image5"), :method => 'delete' if garment["image5"] %>
<%= link_to image_tag(garment["image6"].url), destroyImage_adminpanel_path(:id => garment["objectId"], :imageToDelete => "image6"), :method => 'delete' if garment["image6"] %>
In my routes:
Rails.application.routes.draw do
resources :adminpanel do
member do
get 'destroyImage'
Rake routes:
destroyImage_adminpanel GET /adminpanel/:id/destroyImage(.:format) adminpanel#destroyImage
adminpanel_index GET /adminpanel(.:format) adminpanel#index
POST /adminpanel(.:format) adminpanel#create
new_adminpanel GET /adminpanel/new(.:format) adminpanel#new
edit_adminpanel GET /adminpanel/:id/edit(.:format) adminpanel#edit
adminpanel GET /adminpanel/:id(.:format) adminpanel#show
PATCH /adminpanel/:id(.:format) adminpanel#update
PUT /adminpanel/:id(.:format) adminpanel#update
DELETE /adminpanel/:id(.:format) adminpanel#destroy
I'm getting an error ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [DELETE]. I've looked at my routing and there seems to be no path for destroyImage (DELETE) I can only see one for GET.
I'm sure this is small issue that can me fixed easily but after reading the guides I'm still slightly lost.
Appreciate your help.
You should create your route with delete
instead of get
delete 'destroyImage'
Also the convention in Ruby is that methods (thus, also Rails actions) are named with underscore instead of camel case, so your action should be named destroy_image