I am fairly new to Scala and have been attempting to develop a data grid in Lift that would allow me to display data comfortably (it also serves me well as a kind of a Scala/Lift exercise in order to get a better grasp of the language). Anyway, I seem to be stuck on generics inference.
I have an abstract Grid class that all the concrete grids extend. They then define their columns via a columns
field. I want to implement default sorting but cannot figure out how to make the necessary inference work properly. Here is the (very simplified) code:
//Lift classes
trait Mapper[A <: Mapper[A]]
trait MappedField[FieldType, OwnerType <: Mapper[OwnerType]]
final case class OrderBy[O <: Mapper[O], T](field: MappedField[T, O])
class Items extends Mapper[Items] {
object name extends MappedField[String, Items]
object Items extends Items
abstract class Grid {
case class Column[O <: Mapper[O]](val label: String, val alias: String, val column: MappedField[_, O])
val columns: List[Column[_]]
def sort(by: List[String]) = {
//HERE I get the inferred type arguments do not conform to method apply's type parameter bounds...
columns.filter(c => by.contains(c.alias)).map(c => OrderBy(c.column))
class ItemsGrid extends Grid {
val columns = List(new Column[Items]("Name", "name", Items.name))
def sortWorking(by: List[String]) = {
val col = new Column[Items]("Name", "name", Items.name)
... which does not compile. I get the following error on the OrderBy
's apply in the sort
method in Grid
: inferred type arguments [$2,$1] do not conform to method apply's type parameter bounds [O <: main.Mapper[O],T].
As the dummy sorting in sortWorking
in Items
is working just fine the problem has to be hidden in the List[Column[_]]
in the abstract Grid
. I have been unable to declare the type properly using neither lower bounds nor existentials and simply cannot convince the compiler to infer that as Column
has the correct type, a list of them will too.
Any ideas or pointing me in the right direction is more than appreciated! Tadeáš
Issue in next line:
val columns: List[Column[_]] // in '_'
I propose to shift type parameter to type variable (use embedded polymorphism):
abstract class Grid {
trait Column {
type F
type O <: Mapper[O]
val label: String
val alias: String
val column: MappedField[F, O]
object Column {
def apply[F1, O1 <: Mapper[O1]]
(l : String, a : String, c : MappedField[F1, O1]) =
new Column {
type F = F1
type O = O1
val label = l
val alias = a
val column = c
val columns: List[Column]
def sort(by: List[String]) = {
columns.filter(c => by.contains(c.alias)).map(c => OrderBy(c.column))
And Grid
instance will look like:
class ItemsGrid extends Grid {
val columns = List(Column("Name", "name", Items.name))
def sortWorking(by: List[String]) = {
val col = Column("Name", "name", Items.name)