Where should I customise my IBOutlets
Say I have created a button with interface builder, created an IBOutlet for it and I would want to change a property during runtime (ex: background color or localized title).
I would think of adding it to the
I remember having nil outlets in viewDidLoad
method, but outlets aren't yet created. viewDidLoad
, but I might be wrong.
If I move it viewWillAppear
, the code will be executed every time the view controller's view appears.
Is there any better place for my IBOutlet
related code, so it's only executed once?
Obviously I can do just about any customization using only the interface builder and making use of the User defined runtime attributes
or localized stroryboards, but I don't like that since it's much more tedious to change later.
From the Doc
Its clearly says about the Views loaded into the memory in the -viewDidLoad()
delegate itself.