Guys I have to show markers on google maps with zoom.When user zoom in or zoom out markers will be visible covering the map area which is on the screen.How can I do this using Android google map?
Okay so you can use a CameraChangeListener:
private HashMap<Integer, Marker> courseMarkers = new HashMap<Integer, Marker>();
//all your visible markers
ArrayList<Item> yourMarkerList = new ArrayList<Item>();
//method to add all your markers with unique ids
addItemsToMap(); //first call to initially show the markers you want
googleMap.setOnCameraChangeListener(new OnCameraChangeListener() {
private float currentZoom = -1; //keep track of your current zoom level
public void onCameraChange(CameraPosition camera) {
if (camera.zoom != currentZoom){
currentZoom = camera.zoom;
//here you will then check your markers
You will need a class Item that has a variable for a unique int id and a MarkerOptions
private void addItemsToMap(List<Item> items)
if(this.mMap != null)
//This is the current user-viewable region of the map
LatLngBounds bounds = this.mMap.getProjection().getVisibleRegion().latLngBounds;
//Loop through all the items that are available to be placed on the map
for(Item m : item)
//If the item is within the the bounds of the screen
//If the item isn't already being displayed
//Add the Marker to the Map and keep track of it with the HashMap
//getMarkerForItem just returns a MarkerOptions object
this.courseMarkers.put(item.getId(), this.googleMap.addMarker(item.getMarker())); //getmarkerforitem
//If the marker is off screen
//If the course was previously on screen
//1. Remove the Marker from the GoogleMap
//2. Remove the reference to the Marker from the HashMap
This should do it