in my library code I have a bunch of static_asserts. I want to test if they fire under the expected conditions.
I would like to write a range of test files and
Does anyone know how to do that with cmake?
AFAICT, try_compile is not the answer, because it is executed while running cmake. I need these checks to be executed during make.
After several more experiments, this is what I am doing now:
add_custom_command(OUTPUT fail_test.out
COMMAND ${CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM} fail_test > ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/fail_test.out 2>&1 || true
COMMAND grep "int i = row.alpha" ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/fail_test.out > /dev/null
COMMENT "fail_test"
add_custom_target(test_constraints DEPENDS fail_test.out COMMAND true)
This is what it does:
for this fail-target, pipes the compiler spew into a file, ignores the result code and then grep
s for the expected compiler message that indicates that the compilation failed due to the expected reason.Of course, for more tests, steps 1, 2 and 4 would go into a function.
So now I can call
make test_constraints
to test if the stuff I want to fail compiling actually does so. And if something does not fail as expected, I can even call
make fail_test
to tune the test or its basis until it fails correctly.
For platform independence, the custom command will probably have to be adjusted. Suggestions welcome.