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How do I select Lat & Long coordinates back out of SQL Server Geography data type field

Considering the SQL Server 'geography' data type...

I can enter an array of latitude and longitude (btw is that the correct order to do so or should it be longitude latitude?) points into the field as follows:

INSERT INTO SpatialZonePolygons (Coordinates)
VALUES (geography::STGeomFromText('POLYGON((-122.358 47.653 , -122.348 47.649, -122.348 47.658, -122.358 47.658, -122.358 47.653))', 4326));

This then appears as:


How do I select them back into their latitude and longitude formats?


  • Select convert(varchar(max),Coordinates) as Coordinates from SpatialZonePolygons ;

    take a look here for more information - SQL Server Geography Data Type