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I'm trying to modify the code here to have the user confirm the items selected from the optionmenus. If the user clicks on the Submit button, a message box should open prompting confirmation. Finally, I want the selected items to be returned to the program as variables so they can be used in other functions for further processing. However, my modification is not working; it just returns an empty window. Thoughts on what I am missing? Many thanks.

from tkinter import *
import tkinter.messagebox

class App(Frame):
    def __init__(self, master):
        Frame.__init__(self, master)
        self.dict = {'Asia': ['Japan', 'China', 'Malasia'],
                     'Europe': ['Germany', 'France', 'Switzerland'],
                     'Africa': ['Nigeria', 'Kenya', 'Ethiopia']}
        self.variable_a = StringVar(self)
        self.variable_b = StringVar(self)
        self.variable_a.trace('w', self.updateoptions)
        self.optionmenu_a = OptionMenu(self, self.variable_a, *self.dict.keys())
        self.optionmenu_b = OptionMenu(self, self.variable_b, ())
        self.btn = Button(self, text="Submit", width=8, command=self.submit)

    def updateoptions(self, *args):
        countries = self.dict[self.variable_a.get()]
        menu = self.optionmenu_b['menu']
        menu.delete(0, 'end')
        for country in countries:
            menu.add_command(label=country, command=lambda country=country: self.variable_b.set(country))
    def submit(self, *args):
        var1 = self.variable_a.get()
        var2 = self.variable_b.get()
        if tkinter.messagebox.askokcancel("Selection", "Confirm selection: " + var1 + ' ' + var2):
            print(var1, var2) #Or can be other function for further processing

root = Tk()
app = App(root)

Python version 3.4.1

EDIT: The window now appears with the widgets. I had omitted self. in front of the button. I still get an error message which I am trying to sort out: AttributeError: 'App' object has no attribute 'optionmenu_b'


  • Here @sedeh, this works as you wanted it to. The error came not from your add ons, but I think from using from tkinter import * instead of import tkinter as tk, this is why when running your code the error comes up as soon as the tk window comes up.

    What I have done is taken the code from the link you gave, added what you did and it works with no error.

    import tkinter as tk
    import tkinter.messagebox
    class App(tk.Frame):
        def __init__(self, master):
            tk.Frame.__init__(self, master)
            self.dict = {'Asia': ['Japan', 'China', 'Malasia'],
                         'Europe': ['Germany', 'France', 'Switzerland'],
                         'Africa': ['Nigeria', 'Kenya', 'Ethiopia']}
            self.variable_a = tk.StringVar(self)
            self.variable_b = tk.StringVar(self)
            self.variable_a.trace('w', self.updateoptions)
            self.optionmenu_a = tk.OptionMenu(self, self.variable_a, *self.dict.keys())
            self.optionmenu_b = tk.OptionMenu(self, self.variable_b, '')
            self.btn = tk.Button(self, text="Submit", width=8, command=self.submit)
        def updateoptions(self, *args):
            countries = self.dict[self.variable_a.get()]
            menu = self.optionmenu_b['menu']
            menu.delete(0, 'end')
            for country in countries:
                menu.add_command(label=country, command=lambda country=country: self.variable_b.set(country))
        def submit(self, *args):
            var1 = self.variable_a.get()
            var2 = self.variable_b.get()
            if tkinter.messagebox.askokcancel("Selection", "Confirm selection: " + var1 + ' ' + var2):
                print(var1, var2) #Or can be other function for further processing
    root = tk.Tk()
    app = App(root)

    I hope this helps you.