I have cloned a particular repo. Suppose it is at state A. I have made some changes to it locally, suppose it is A -> B. But some changes have already been updated in the master branch of repo, suppose it is A->C. Now, I need to update my local repo and then merge my changes to it. That is, it should be A-> C-> B . How do I do this ? After googling a lot, I found out it can done using
git stash
Some blogs said that even
git rebase
can be used to do it. Can you please help with the command sequence that I need to follow? (for merging conflicts I am using kDiff3)
If you aren't ready to commit your changes
git stash
git pull
git stash pop
If you are ready to commit your changes, then commit then. Then you can just
git pull --rebase
If you have some committed changes, and some changes you're not ready to commit, you can combine these:
git stash
git pull --rebase
git stash pop