I tried to print out as 'tar' command extracts files, but I can't print out the output of the progress.
import telnetlib
tn = telnetlib.Telnet("x.x.x.x")
tn.write("tar -xvf a.tar")
print tn.read_until("#")
Above code prints out the all output after execution, and need to wait although the tar
finishes less than 1800 secs.
Another try is
import telnetlib
tn = telnetlib.Telnet("x.x.x.x")
tn.write("tar -xvf a.tar")
print tn.read_eager()
print tn.read_all()
This code doesn't print the output while executing tar
. Would you give me any idea how to print out while tar
is running, and return as soon as it finishes tar
execution without waiting?
Thank you.
I don't really understand what was your problem with the 1st script... Anyways can you try this?
tn.write("tar -xvf a.tar")
while True:
resp = tn.read_until("#", 1.0)
if 0 == len(resp): break
print resp
print "done"
The loop waits for the telnet connection to become silent by specifying the timeout parameter 1.0