I am trying to use preg_match to whitelist usernames with alphanumeric characters and screen out those with special characters but code is not acting as I'd like
Here is is:
$username = "karl#";
if (!preg_match("#^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$#", $username))
$msg = "You may not use special characters in your username";
else {
$msg = "ok";
returns "ok". In other words, it is letting karl# get through. I would like it to return error message.
Am I misusing preg-match or what am I doing wrong? Thank you for any suggestions.
Edit: The code above does work. Error was because in original version I was not hard coding the username but rather getting it as post and there was a problem with post. I accepted the answer below using ^\w+$ as it allows for underscore and is more concise. Thanks also for all the fine points on regex contained in comments.
You can use this regex:
As Barmar pointed in the comment this will allow underscores too, but if you don't want them then your regex is fine:
You need to help the regex with the flags:
$re = "/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/m";
$username = "karl#"; ^----Notice the multiline flag
You also could use:
$re = "/^[a-z0-9]+$/mi";
^---- Case Insensitive flag