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Selenium, AutoIt, Sikuli experience compare?

I am job searching and am seeing a lot of Selenium requirements in job descriptions lately. I know that Selenium is an automation tool for web testing but what I don't know is how it compares to using AutoIt and Sikuli. I am very familiar with AutoIt and Sikuli tools but not familiar with Selenium as far as enterprise use. I could simply download Selenium and fool around with it but as far as professional experience, I have none.

So my question to automation professionals out there is if I have a good deal of experience in AutoIt and Sikuli, would I be a good fit for a position that deals solely with Selenium?


  • Have experience only with AutoIt and Selenium . What I can say about AutoIt -> script written on it are suitable for WIN platform only. Imagine the situation when you need to run you test (that covers a piece of functionality on a web page) on 2 notes: win note and macBook. For Win your script be working OK , for Mac it will fail. OR, a little bit modified: if you need run your script simultaneously on several machines and/or in several browsers. Selenium will fit OK for this. But for another side: such case like attachment a file on a webPage or any other kinda of attachment - will not work with pure Selenium. AutoIt will handle it nice.

    So it was 2 little casees in particular. In overall, selenium is used for functional UI automation of web application(-s) . And if you have experience of scripting you will be able to adjust your skills.

    My recommendation to you - start recording script with SElenium IDE , then export these recorded scripts in testNg , and then try to understand their structure.

    Good luck! :)