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LaTeX, ntheorem package and memoir document class: no room for new \count error

So I want to use memoir document class and the ntheorem package with the thmmarks option. When I try and compile a file like this, I get "no room for a new \count" errors. What can I do about this?

ntheorem with thmmarks option works fine in article, and ntheorem works alright in memoir as long as I don't try and use the thmmarks option...

To reformulate the question: Is there a way to, I don't know, cut out parts of the memoir class definitions that I don't use to free up some \counts for ntheorem thmmarks? Or is there a way to alter how many \counts LaTeX allows so that there are enough to share?

(I'm fully aware that insisting on using memoir for typesetting a theorem-heavy document is a little perverse, but what the heck.)


  • See the TeX FAQ entry about this error: No room for a new “thing”.

    With any modern LaTeX installation, you're going to be using eTeX. Thus, based on that FAQ entry, you should be able to fix the problem by inserting


    immediately after your \documentclass line. If that's insufficient, try also adding the \reserveinserts{n} line suggested there with some appropriate number of additional inserts (which I guess you can find by trial and error), to reserve additional space. (A bit of Google-searching on reserveinserts ntheorem indicates that this is a common problem with the ntheorem package, and finds a suggestion of 10 as a reasonable value, though you may need more.)

    If that works, you might also write to the Memoir class author, and suggest that he add a note to this effect in the manual.

    This thread also suggests an alternate method of loading the ntheorem package that may help, if \reserveinserts doesn't do the trick: