Using Indigo and a managed build C++ project, I right-clicked on a source file and selected Resource Configurations->Exclude From Build...
, and the file promptly disappears. Scrolling down shows it at the bottom of the list of source files with a new dimmed icon. Now how do I get it back? The Reset to Default...
option is always dimmed out. Right-clicking on the excluded file still only shows the Exclude From Build...
option. Is there an Include in Build
option somewhere? I realize I can go to .cproject file and manually edit it back in but I figure there must be a way to do it from the IDE.
In eclipse there's not a similar way to reinclude resource, like:
You need to go in Project Proprerties (Alt+Enter) and go:
C/C++ General -> Paths and Symbols
Select tab
Source Location
and expand your project's folder: here you can select filter that you want to remove and click on "Edit Filter" and then "Remove".